Tag Archives: PGA TOUR Network

Ordinary Athlete Post Leadville – What’s Next?

What’s next? It has been a few days since the amazing 100-mile run in Leadville. Since I cannot bring myself to think about it, I am going to write my external conscious for ideas and input.

As a child, there were 3 things that I wanted to be when “I grew up.” First, I wanted to be a world-class amateur golfer. Second, I wanted to be a famous Country and Western Star. Third, I wanted to be a successful entrepreneur. Should I pursue, again, one of these…and/or should I pursue another ridiculous physical challenge, like swimming the English Channel?

Swimming the English Channel?

First, I am acknowledging that I am still not grown up. This relieves a lot of pressure for me. I have a few more years until I have to truly make any serious decisions. I am also going to break down for you why the other ideas were not in the cards for me. But before I do, one of my favorite questions is, “How old would be if you didn’t know how old you were?” Well, I would be 12. Enough said.

World-Class Amateur Golfer

In my opinion, true golfers are the world-class amateurs. The Masters invite for me would be an invitation to join the Walker Cup.

My friend John Maginnes could be interviewing me instead:)

Unfortunately, I need to win a club championship before that and be an amazing golfer that wins a super-amateur event (like the Southern or Sunnehanna) and that looks like a long way aways. Why can’t I win without practicing? For you old school golf fans out there, you as well as me know that the world of golf is a gentlemen’s game. One does not play for money. One plays for the spirit of the game. One plays for the battle of wits and mind over matter. There is a reason that Francis Ouimet won one of the greatest games ever played. He won the 1913 U.S. Open over the two world’s best golfers, Britons Harry Vardon and Ted Ray. What made this victory so amazing is that Francis was a caddie and an amateur. That is why Bobby Jones was so phenomenal. He beat the world’s best fulltime professionals practicing law and playing golf as a game. During my days on the PGA TOUR, broadcasting, not playing, I was able to play with amazing golfers like my good friend Mark Carnevale, 1992 PGA TOUR Rookie of the Year. One thing was clear, “These Guys Are F’Ing Good”. I invented that tagline. GSD&M shortened it and trademarked it. Oh yeah, I still believe that I can beat them with the wind at my back, when there is a lunar eclipse, and I get into the zone. This just has not happened yet. Next dream….

Country and Western Star

This one is very simple. Read what happened last year when Jack Ingram showed up at career day at my daughter’s school. WTF?

Can I live this dream?

Bottom line is that I just don’t have the talent RIGHT NOW. It could come… (what an Ordinary thing to say). Plus, to win in this game, you have to give it your all over many years. Jack earned it. His last album is awesome. I obviously have not. But hope is a strategy in this world.

Successful Entrepreneur

I never dreamed of being Gordon Gecko. At one time, I did think that Richard Rainwater was THE MAN. But, in truth, all I wanted was to be like my dad. I wanted to be an E.N.T.R.E.P.E.N.E.U.R.

Please spell E.N.T.R.E.P.R.E.N.E.U.R...forget it...just buy it

Say that 3 times fast. The good news here is that entrepreneurs only get better with age and I am just starting my quest. Shoot…4 companies later, I have had some practice. Who do I want to become? I do not have ONE hero in this space, I have over 1 million. Everyone who quits their job and decides to employ people and try and make it is my hero. I am toasting you ENTREPRENEUR. Here we toast together, lose together, win together and in the process live the American Dream.

You vote? Should I swim the channel, chunk it all for the Walker Cup, make a run for Nash-Vegas, or build the next empire? Or, should I try something else?


Filed under Calling